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Learn Programming Using Scratch & Javascript

19 Lessons
05h 59m

Programming is joy. Like learning a musical instrument, you will have a lot of fun and unforgettable moments. Anyone with good logical thinking ability and problem-solving skill can learn and master it. The objective of this course is to help you in getting started with programming in the right away.

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Course Content

19 Lessons · 05h 59m

01. Introduction

10m 46s

In this lesson, we'll be learning what programming is and the roles of programming languages in writing a program.

02. Our First Program

13m 43s

In this lesson, we'll be learning how to write a simple program using Scratch. Then we'll understand how it ran and the differences between high-level & low-level programming languages.

03. Hello World in Javascript

14m 41s

In this lesson, we'll be installing node.js & VS Code and learning how to write a simple program using javascript. We'll also understand the similarities between scratch and javascript.

04. Data & Operators

29m 43s

We all know how to do calculations using a calculator. Do you know, you can use this same knowledge to do calculations in Programming. In this lesson, we'll be learning about different types of data & how to solve basic mathematical equations in both Scratch & Javascript.

05. Defining a function

30m 00s

In this lesson, we are going to learn two important concepts in programming. How to use functions created by someone else and how to write our own function to solve our requirements.

06. Single Responsibility Principle

17m 58s

In this lesson, we are going to learn one of the most important principles in programming, Single Responsibility Principle. We'll be revisiting the functions that we wrote in the last lesson and update them to return a value instead of printing the calculated result.

07. Saving Intermediate Result

10m 33s

Typically the functions that we define in a real-world application will be having multiple steps for calculating the final result. In this lesson, we'll be learning how to write a multi-step function in Javascript and save the intermediate results using variables.

08. Feedback Loop

14m 43s

A typical programming activity involves two activities, exploration and trial-and-error. In this lesson, we'll learn about how we can be more productive while performing these activities using a REPL.

09. Decision Making

29m 53s

Decision Making is one of the crucial steps in real-world programming. In this lesson, we are going to learn how to communicate decisions in programming. Then we'll apply it in three different real-life scenarios.

10. Logical Operators

23m 00s

Decision making in real-world programs involves checking multiple conditions. In this lesson, we'll be learning how to use logical operators to implement any kind of boolean conditions.

11. Assignment Operators & Constant

15m 56s

While working with variables, sometimes we may need to change its value after declaration using assignment operators. In this lesson, we'll learn how to do it. We'll also be learning how to prevent changes to a variable using constant.

12. Iteration

23m 44s

Iteration is one of the important control flow in programming. In this lesson, we will be starting with how it is associated with our lives and then dive deep into how to perform iterations in Javascript. We'll also be learning four critical steps in iteration and how it can be used across three different iteration constructs.

13. Array

26m 11s

In a typical real-world program, more often, we have to deal with a list of something. In this lesson, we are going to learn how to use Array to represent the list. Then we'll be seeing it in action with his close friend, Iteration.

14. Iteration Patterns

18m 49s

While working with arrays using iteration, you typically use four patterns to solve the problems. In this lesson, we'll learn what they are and how it works.

15. Breaking and Ignoring Iteration

09m 24s

Sometimes, we may need to stop the iteration in the middle, and some other times, we may need to ignore a particular iteration step. In this lesson, we'll learn how to do it. Then we'll have a look at the other alternative approaches for solving this logic.

16. Divide & Conquer

25m 24s

In this lesson, we will learn one of the compelling techniques in software development that can help you solve different kinds of problems using programming. The way you write software will never be the same after this lesson!

17. Specific vs Generic - Part 1

20m 47s

Programming is not just about learning syntax. It often involves working with abstractions and recognizing patterns in the code. This lesson will revisit the examples that we saw in the previous lessons and experience the patterns and abstractions. It will make you think, and programming is all about that!

18. Specific vs Generic - Part 2

19m 28s

Programming is not just about learning syntax. It often involves working with abstractions and recognizing patterns in the code. This lesson will revisit the examples that we saw in the previous lessons and experience the patterns and abstractions. It will make you think, and programming is all about that!

19. Anonymous Function

04m 42s

Functions are the unit of reusability. While programming, sometimes we don't need this reusability. Instead, we want to use a function like use and throw. We'll learn how to achieve it using the anonymous function in this lesson.

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What You Will Learn

  • What is Programming?
  • Computational Thinking
  • Three ingredients of programs
  • Basics of Scratch
  • Basics of Javascript


  • Basic computer operating skills